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The smarter E Europe 2024

The smarter E Europe: Europe’s largest alliance of exhibitions for the energy industry

From June 19 to 21,2024, at ICM Munich, The smarter E Europe will host four significant exhibitions, gathering key global players and showcasing cutting-edge market developments, trends, and technologies. The exhibitions include:

  • Intersolar Europe: the premier global exhibition for the solar industry.
  • ees Europe: Europe's most extensive and international exhibition for batteries and energy storage systems.
  • Power2Drive Europe: an international platform focusing on charging infrastructure and e-mobility.
  • EM-Power Europe: an international hub for energy management and integrated energy solutions.

We are delighted to share that CyberGrid will be exhibiting at The smarter E Europe in the EM-Power Europe segment, which is focused on the smart use of energy in the industry and building sector. The exhibition will tackle topics like decentralized and renewable energy supply, automation, energy management systems within microgrids, commercial and industrial energy services, inter alia.

Reserve your meeting with us - Booth B5.590, EM-Power Europe.

Smarter E Europe Conferences

The event not only serves as a hub for innovation through its exhibitions, but also fosters industry advancement through a series of conferences, forums and workshops, held from June 18 to 19, 2024.

Topics that will be addressed during the 4 conferences, include: the decentralization, digitalization and sector coupling of energy supply; technological trends in photovoltaics and energy storage; and the newest charging technologies for electric vehicles.

Find out more in the conference program.

CyberGrid's team is looking forward to meeting you there! 

Event details

Munich, Germany
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 21, 2024

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