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InteGrid project

InteGrid final event

The 4-year EU-funded project InteGrid project is now completed. It proved that DSO can enable all stakeholders to actively participate in the energy market and distribution grid management.

During the final event on Oct 29, 2020, it was acknowledged that the project outcomes are relevant towards the energy transition. With InteGrid tools, DSOs can fulfill the requirements of the clean energy package for a more efficient use of energy. Running from January 2017 until October 2020, InteGrid delivered its objective: to bridge the gap between citizens and technology/solution providers such as utilities, aggregators, manufacturers and all other agents providing energy services.

Coordinated by EDP Distribuição, this EU-funded project aimed to demonstrate how distribution system operators (DSOs) can allow all participants of the energy system to get actively involved in the market. The mix of commercial and research entities in this professional multinational group ensured that the interests of all parties were being met to achieve the best possible results while applying new approaches in data management and consumer involvement.

InteGrid logo

CyberGrid's role as a virtual power plant

In the final event, CyberGrid's project manager for InteGrid, Christoph Gutschi, presented the exciting demonstration results for Slovenia together with U. Krisper from Elektro Ljubljana. In InteGrid, CyberGrid's team focused on improving the grid user active participation prototypes, and on setting up and integrating the necessary tools and hardware based on a smart architecture. The cutting-edge software solution CyberNoc was successfully applied as a virtual power plant (VPP), collecting measurements, calculating forecasts and flexibility, and creating flexibility bids to the grid market hub. The VPP then offered the bundled flexibility to transmission system operators (TSOs), or to DSO markets. With the positive demonstration results, InteGrid confirmed the role of the DSO as system optimizer and as market facilitator.

With the integration of demonstration activities in three different regions, energy providers were enabled to move from single solutions to an integrated management at a higher scale while focusing on the scalability and replicability in current and future markets.

Author: Nicole Klyma
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