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Talent project leveraging interoperability and hybridization

TALENT Online Workshop

The EU project TALENT organized an online workshop on December 17, 2020 on cost-effective technological developments in power grids. We have gathered all materials from the workshop, and we invite you to download them for free, further down below.

At the event, project partners from the consortium gave presentations on the importance of supporting improved flexibility - a lower cost solution for supporting the energy transition in Europe. The EU-funded project TALENT aims to offer cost-effective solutions for grid flexibility, by providing a modular, scalable format that can be managed by an interoperable software at home, district and utility-scale levels.

Download the materials from the workshop:

As a consortium member of this project, CyberGrid was thrilled to participate, and to share with you the most recent developments in battery storage in power grids. Our project manager, Darja Skrt, presented "Interoperable software to manage hybrid and decentralized energy systems in TALENT", providing an overview of the software developed within the project.

TALENT's online Stakeholder Workshops are integral to project's stakeholder engagement - don't miss the opportunity to become a stakeholder by registering here.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement N° 864459.
Author: Nicole Klyma
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